
Edinburgh Update

Last night Sissy and I went to a great bar in New Town called “The Dome,” cleverly named for the large dome that covers the entire place. It is an old bank that has been converted to an upper-crust bar/restaurant. It is completely marbled out and has a really cool ambiance. The circular bar is in the middle and is surrounded by tables. The Dome is definitely a place that is worth visiting whilst in Edinburgh.

After that, we made our way back across to Victoria Street in Old Town. A great band from Glasgow named “Camera Obscura” took the stage at The Liquid Room. Their sound is similar to Belle and Sebastian except they have a female lead. It was an excellent show.

Thus far we are finding Edinburgh to be an absolute blast.

This weekend we are going to travel to the highlands and staying in Glengarry Castle. Who knows, by May I just might be Sir Dr. Stella Martois.


ac said...

Dude, Camera Obscura is totally awes, JG is going to crap his breeches when he sees this!

yaj said...

You lucky bastard. I've been wanting to see them for years.