
Bad News=Good News

Our trip to Scotland caught its first snag, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Yes, we made it approximately 20 miles until Mother Nature reared her powerful head. She did not realize, however, Sissy’s and my resolve to turn bad news into good news. True, we had to eat the cost of the flight from London to Edinburgh (I thought the Brits to be more accommodating), but that’s what we get for booking the inexpensive ticket.

Returning to Iowa City felt much like the uncomfortable feeling people get after saying goodbye to a dear friend only to realize that another 3 minutes must be spent in their presence. Do I continue to talk? Does my affectionate goodbye-hug preclude me from any further conversation? And most of all-do I have to go through the whole “well I will see you later (hug). I can’t wait to see you again (another hug)?.” Not that any of these things are bad, but definitely bad to do more than once.

Anyway, I got home and decided to make the best of my unforeseen evening by looking into concerts while we are traveling. I am happy to say that I have booked us a couple tickets to the Cold War Kids in Dublin, Ireland. This news combined with a couple martinis and a viewing of Casino Royale leaves me saying nothing but “Great Success! Yekshemay!”

Jay, Michelle, Andrew—I didn’t call to let you know of our unfortunate travel mishaps, if you have questions, please see paragraph two…


yaj said...

Oh man, I'm sorry to hear about that. When do you leave now?

Martois said...

Today--basically 24 hours later...

ac said...

Good luck this time! Post when you get there, and give my love to the queen because she's been dyin' for it.

Mack said...

i LOVE the cold war kids...
sorry about the travel sucking balls...

Brian said...

Bummer, at least ya get to see some shows