
2 Stop 10: Cowgatehead

Yesterday was a new start. Our landlord has been really great. Sure, it was her ceiling that fell on us, and she is likely doing some “damage control” (yes, I do realize the irony of this statement), however, she really has been quite good to us.

We were put up in the Minto Street Hotel for two nights. I get a feeling when I am staying in hotels of being on vacation. I can’t exactly describe it, but it is a distinct feeling. The Minto gave me the vacation feeling. It is strange though, as the hotel was only 3 blocks from the “Wee Apartment/Gay Brothel/Wreckage Site” (understandably I will have to explain this one, give me a minute). I guess it tells me that Newington was starting to feel a bit like home.

We spent Monday morning digging through the rubble for all of our personal belongings. It was an absolute mess (see Sissy’s site for many photos—soon there will be video footage as well). Susan (our landlord) explained that she had just finished refurbishing the Wee Apartment this past September. She takes great pride in her work, and it shows. You might be giggling to yourself, “WHAT are you talking about Marty, the ceiling just fell on you!?!” We figured out that the problem was likely the apartment above us. The owner of that flat had been doing renovations for the better part of a year. Susan said that she has had several minor complaints all related to water leakage from the above flat. When we called she expected to find something similar to what she had seen in the past, perhaps a bit of plaster on the ground, signs of water on the wall, but definitely not “the tornado just hit our freaking house” scene that we were in the midst of. Apparently second/third/seventeenth rate plumbers did their worst work. The night the sky fell, a tenet had moved into that dodgy flat. We don’t know exactly what happened, but it is likely related to shitty plumbing from above—but I digress.

The whole reason she had remodeled this past year was because of the previous tenet. He was a French man running Edinburgh’s smallest house of ill repute for homosexual men. Susan said that after she kicked him out of the apartment, it was left in such bad shape that she decided to completely redecorate the place.

Back to the point of this blog entry—we are now moved into our new apartment; 2/10 (2 stop 10) Cowgatehead. For those of you looking for an indy rock band name; ladies and gentleman, COWGATEHEAD! It is in a great area of Old Town Called the Grassmarket. For those who know the area, our apartment sits at the bottom of Victoria Street, just a half block from the Grain Store Restaurant. Victoria Street also is where we saw Camera Obscura. For those who don’t know the city, look at my photo of Edinburgh Castle, our apartment is one block from where that picture was taken. It is at the heart of the city and is a wonderful place. The space is large (we actually have a spare bedroom if anyone is interested in a surprise visit to Edinburgh).

Susan cleaned all of our clothes and we are now ready to start the next chapter of our Edinburgh experience. We expect it to be every bit as fun, hopefully with a solid roof over our heads.


Brian said...

Go Susan!

Glad to hear all is well.

SC MUM said...

stinkyso glad all is working out for you..sound like anice place..wish we could surprise you..instead I will have to be satisfied with new Orleans by far not my favorite place, slightly influenced by the fact that I got some gosh aweful virus and have only seen the inside of my hotel room except for a short visit to Bourbon st where I decided to get sick..I at least used a bath room compared to a lot of late night revelers would not do ..they would just barf on the street and they would have at least had the joy of a jolly good time first. I know have a 33 dollar steak in the hotel refrig. that I wish dad would finish.

SC MUM said...

pardon the stinky at beginning of last comment..haven't totally figured out dad's computer yet..as you know i am technically challenged

Arpod said...

Glad to hear all is well again. I wish Rach and I could make it out there to visit you two. We both would love to see Scotland. Well keep takin pictures to show us when you get back state side.

ac said...

Hey Potlatch & Sisserooster,

Glad to hear things are turning out for the best. From the sound of it, you're potentially in a better spot than you were before, minus the gay brothel of course, who doesn't love brothels...which previously were..the....place..where you....sleep.


ac said...

by the way, Nice JK! You might have inspired me to put up a guest photo column, specifically for JKs, and Loch Ness is a prime example of the perfect spot.

Nessie, consider yourself rocked.

Kudos MKP, kudos.