
My Triumphant Return

Its coming. I haven't had much to say, or better put I haven't said much in a long time. I feel it is nearing the time that I begin to write on this thing again.

Recently I traveled to Tahoe to ski with some good friends, Ben and Brian. It was awesome to the 10th degree. There were many great moments, none topped by the the first 18 hours there. It was a night filled with craps, poker, and makers on the rocks. it was a night so fun that it didn't end until 7.30 the next morning. The only reason I called it a night was we were going skiing at 8.00 and I needed to be in tip top form as I hadn't slid down a mountain for nearly 5 years. needless to say--the best way to get back into that sport is a good solid 8 hours of whiskey drinking and cards.